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British Values

We promote the British Values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance in all aspects of school life.

Mutual Respect

At Bishop Wood we teach children mutual respect for those with different faiths and beliefs and those with no faith.  We aim to encourage children to respect the rights of others irrespective of gender, race, ability, religion or social background.


We teach children about the value of individual liberty for everyone.  We encourage them to respect the rights of others irrespective of gender, race, ability, religion or social background.


We teach children about democracy.  We help them to gain an understanding of the social and economic benefits of democracy and order, and to develop a reasoned set of attitudes, values and beliefs.

Rule of Law

We teach children about the rule of law.  We assist them to develop responsibility to themselves and to others, establishing self control and self discipline.  We encourage children to cooperate, develop self respect and the capacity to live as independent, self motivated and productive members of society.