Return to Parents


We strongly believe that parental involvement in a child’s education can have a significant effect on pupil achievement.  We want to ensure that you are kept informed about what’s going on in school.

Home / School Link Book

All classes use a link book to improve communication between home and school.


Our weekly Newsletter details important dates and events and celebrates pupil achievement.  It is sent electronically to parents with an email address.


Our website is regularly updated with school information, diary dates, letters home, photographs, policies and procedures.

School Comms

Our school uses a text messaging service which enables us to send text messages to mobile phones.  It is therefore essential that you keep us up to date with your current contact numbers.


The School uses SchoolComms, School Gateway to enable parents to make online payments for school trips, dinner money etc.  Bishop Wood School aims to be cashless.

Parent Consultation Evenings

The school welcomes parents in to school for parent / teacher consultations in both the Autumn and Spring Terms to discuss their child’s progress.  We also issue reports to parents in the Summer Term.  We operate an online booking system for parents consultation evenings.