Our School
About Us
Bishop Wood School is a voluntary aided coeducational school for children aged 7 to 11 years. The maximum capacity of the school is 240 pupils spread over four year groups with two classes per year. The school, located in the centre of Tring, is on a large site with open playing fields surrounded by hedging …
Safeguarding at Bishop Wood
This page is dedicated to supporting your children with their worries and you as their parents/carers regarding any safeguarding concerns. ‘Leaders responsible for safeguarding are meticulous in their record-keeping. They have established a culture of vigilance around safeguarding, and all staff know what to do if they are concerned about a pupil. Staff know pupils well …
Our Theologically Rooted Vision & Christian Values
Bishop Wood CE Junior School – Vision He has come so that we can… be the best version of ourselves, enjoying life in all its fullness. Our vision for the Bishop Wood School community is inspired by the bible verse John 10:10. ‘I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.’ In this …
Church School
The Church of England makes a major contribution to the education system of the country through a significant number of schools. Voluntary Aided church schools are very much a part of the state system and Bishop Wood is funded by Herts County Council. Church schools such as ours meet the same criteria as other schools. …
Please read the Admissions Policy document before applying for a place at Bishop Wood School. The Local Authority (LA) operates an agreed coordinated admissions scheme in line with government legislation. The LA will manage the process on behalf of the school according to the scheme published each year. The Governing Body, as the Admission Authority, …
SEND & Inclusion
SEND at Bishop Wood The whole team at the school is committed to providing a welcoming and stimulating environment to support the needs and develop the learning of the children in the community. Every child and family in our community is valued and diversity is celebrated. Our school is staffed by a team of qualified …
The Bishop Wood Staff Team
Teaching Staff Name Class Curriculum and other responsibilities Gary Stanley Headteacher Senior Leadership Team Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Prevent Lead Christine Ing 3I Assistant Headteacher Senior Leadership Team Computing PE Online Safety Deputy Data Protection Officer Staff Governor Ella Stevens 3S Fundraising/Charity Jonny Patten 4PS Deputy Headteacher Senior Leadership Team Deputy DSL Computing Katie Smart …
British Values
We promote the British Values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance in all aspects of school life. Mutual Respect At Bishop Wood we teach children mutual respect for those with different faiths and beliefs and those with no faith. We aim to encourage children to respect the rights of others …
School History
The school was first opened in 1842 when, on 23rd March, the site, valued at £50, was granted by the Dean and Chapter of Christchurch College, Oxford “for the purpose of erection of 3 rooms to accommodate 103 boys, 103 infants and 112 girls – allowing a minimum area of 6 square feet per child.” …
Our Data Protection Officer (DPO) is Mrs Christine Ing. Requesting access to your personal data Under data protection legislation, parents, carers have the right to request access to any information that we hold about them. To make a request for your personal information, or be given access to your child’s educational record, contact the school …
Bishop Wood School is located in Tring town centre. Due to its central position, our school consistently has over 90% of children walking, or parking and striding (from a km away). There are 3 local car parks that have one hour free parking if a car has to be used.