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Family Liaison

 A child’s wellbeing can be influenced by many things; sometimes circumstances within your child’s family life can affect your child’s ability to learn and enjoy their time at school. Or maybe, you are concerned that your child has issues at school.

For children to grow and become their best we must support not only them but the family or carer that stands with them. Our Family Liaison Officer, Melanie Matthews, is available to assist you and your child in many areas of development. She can be a guide to the many services that are available to you as well as a listening ear and a contact between you and the school.

If you would like to come in and have a chat, over a cup of coffee, then please contact Melanie to make an appointment; ring the school on 01442 822024 or email

Unfortunately we often have a waiting list so please contact us sooner rather than later if you have concerns.  However, if your concern is urgent please come into the school to see if Melanie is available. We will always try and see you if we can.

What do we provide?

We offer a range of services that both you and your child can access by contacting our Family Liaison Officer.

Individual regular sessions

Initially 6 sessions are offered, generally lasting between 20 – 30 minutes, once a week or fortnight depending on the need. If required a further 6 sessions will be offered.

Small group work

We offer our pupils the chance to explore their feelings, thoughts and behaviour during group work. These groups, consist of a maximum of 4 children and often have pupils from different class years. They last for approximately 30 – 45 minutes, over 8 sessions. We currently run groups on friendships (including bullying) and anger management.

Support group

The aim of this group is to help our pupils increase their self-esteem in a friendly and respectful environment where they can talk about anything. Each session runs for 30 – 45 minutes, once a fortnight all year round.  A maximum of 4 children per group.

Crisis sessions

During those times when pupils experience overwhelming life events such as a bereavement, parent separation, extreme anxiety / panic attacks for example, we can offer immediate individual sessions to support your child.

Open door policy

Our door is always open for our pupils if they have an issue that they want to talk about in confidence. They can (and do!) just turn up wanting to talk outside their regular individual and group sessions.